Monday, December 30, 2013

We can become aware...

I'm hoping 2014 is the year of awareness.

We can become aware that we can vote with our money and shop at stores that actually care about their employees (fair wages and benefits), where their products come from (fair trade), and how safe the products are for us.

We can become aware that we are beautiful regardless of how ugly the media, fashion world, and diet companies want us to feel for their own greed, and we can vote with our money again and say enough of this body/mental image abuse. 

We can become aware that the food we put into our mouths can make us healthy or make us sick, it is our choice. 

We can be aware that our differences on the outside are less than 1% of our DNA and that our more than 99% similarities are what matters most.

We can become aware that if our country (our world) is truly to be free, as long as the choices of others do not hurt us personally where we can continue to live our own lives as we wish, it is freedom that allows other people to choose their own direction for happiness, just as this same freedom allows us to choose our own direction for happiness. Call it a "No Judgement Day." 

We can become aware that our actions on this earth can either harm or nurture the earth. Many of us have felt the wrath of global weirding this year. 

We can become aware that spending all the resources on war is only going to produce more war and bankrupt countries and the people of countries. What you focus on is what you get. Let's focus on peace. 

Our resources, time, money, energy, thoughts, actions, can be spent making the world a better place for all, not just for the few that want to control all. 

Yes, I'm hoping 2014 is the year of awareness, and that we become aware that we have the power to do something to create a positive outcome (instead of all the 2013 crap we went through). 

Happy New Year!