Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thrift shop bonus!

I went to the local Humane Society thrift store and found an incomplete set for Hip Hop Abs. It is missing one of the workouts, but for $4.00 it was worth it to try it out.

This morning I popped in Total Body Burn. The workout was one of the funnest workouts I have done in a long time and Shaun T was a riot! It did not seem like an over 40 minute workout since I was grooving the entire time. And let me tell you, complete body workout with cardio! I was sweating!

I was on the hunt to see if I could find the missing dvd, but Beachbody does not sell their dvd's individually. Too bad for them. They wanted to resell the entire workout set to me again. I said, nah! However, I will keep Shaun T workouts in mind in the future, but only the dance vibe ones.

Here's the real lesson in the great find, if the workout is fun, I want to workout! I guess I really was bored. Now that I have a few new workouts to rotate in, I seem to be more excited about working out again. Yay!

Keep pushing play and make sure you have workouts you really enjoy.

Fitnfun :O)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

40 minute kettlenetics

So today I got the guts to try the 40 minute kettlenetics. It turns out that it was 47 plus minutes, but at least there was a good stretch at the end this time.

I am sweating, and I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tonight and tomorrow. The good news is that for the past week, I did 5 days of really good workouts! All of them had some cardio and toning so everything is covered.

Tomorrow starts my new week. I will step it up a notch and go for 6 days of workouts cardio/toning. I'm going to add some turbo jam with the weighted gloves in too. Should be fun. Over the weekend I'm going to search for another workout and donate some of my dvd's to a local thrift/charity store. If I had a gym membership, I'd be spending at least $20 a month, right? So, to keep from being bored, why not rotate new workouts in every month.

Keep pushing play out there and enjoy the sunshine!

Fitnfun out :O)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Workout accomplished!

Yesterday, I was so sore from that kettlenetics workout that I was only able to do a 15 minute stretch workout. I've been applying all sorts of goop to my tired and sore muscles.

Today, I did an 11-minute Nordic Track (1 mile) and stretch and then just now I did the 20 minute kettlenetics workout. Tonight I will do some kind of stretch as well.

She keeps saying (Michelle) that I will wittle my waist. We shall see!

I think I will take measurements on Sunday to see if this helped any in the first week. Tomorrow is Nordic Track and the next day, K-bell again. I think I will do something different on Thursday and Friday.

Fitnfun out :O)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010 and new start

It's been a while. I'm still looking at steps once in a while, but I think I really needed a new workout. Yes, I have been bored. I have tons of dvd's, but nothing new and exciting now. So, I was at Target and saw the workout I was considering (for an entire year), Kettlenetics, and I bought it! I start today!

Now I really know the importance of keeping workouts fresh. If you keep doing the same things over and over, you can get bored to the point of not wanting to workout anymore, which is where I was at. I'll check back in later to let you know how I liked the workout.