Saturday, March 12, 2011

Random acts of kindness

With all the chaos that seems to be happening around us, the more it would be a good idea to focus on random acts of kindness.  Everyone needs a little kindness.  What can you do each day to bring a smile to someone's life? 

Today, I have decided to finally start my email campaign of writing to places that I have enjoyed in my hometown.  Many businesses receive complaints, but they are less likely to receive compliments.  When was the last time you took time out to say thank you to a business that actually took the time to give you great customer service?

I also tried a new workout today.  Crunch's Cardio Dance Blast with Marie Forleo.  I found it at a thrift store.  I am so surprised someone gave this one away.  I did have a blast!  The island dance section alone was a great deal of fun.  I was only going to do 30 minutes, but ended up doing the extra 10 minutes since I was having a good time.  Marie was a fantastic instructor too.  Her cues were easy to follow and timely.

So aside from treating myself well with acts of kindness, I will challenge myself to do a random act of kindness each day for someone else. 

The only way to balance the chaos is to bring a little kindness into this world!


PS Prayers for the people of Japan.   Here's a list of how to help.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Being kind to ourselves and each other!

Yesterday was my birthday, and of course sometimes this brings about deep philosophical thoughts.  I have been thinking more about kindness.  I am learning that whenever there is a decision to be made, it is good to ask yourself two questions:

  1. Is this really what is best and good for you?
  2. Is this the best decision for all concerned?
When we ask these two questions as we make our daily decisions, this truly can help us become aware of our choices and decide on the right choice for every decision.

Of course when I was eating the carrot cake and having one beer to celebrate my birthday, I also realized that every once in a while, it is good to splurge.  Just remember not to make it a habit!

Today I did my 20 min. Kettlebell workout.  She always says "enjoy the luscious move."  I say enjoy the luscious life!  Be kind to yourself and each other, and remember, you always have a right choice.

-SDF :O)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Giving to yourself

This morning I am turning over a new leaf.  After years of starting my day with doing things for others at the get go, I am finally switching gears to do something good for me first.  Yes, I am meditating, having a nice breakfast, and working out before I touch any work.  Today, I'm a little late to get through this new schedule, but I will make sure to start a bit earlier and everything should fall into place.

I have had a few health scares over the last few years.  The latest one isn't too fun. I think the Universe is forcing me to slow down and take care of myself.  It's an absolute must or I will keep getting worse. 

I keep thinking about the financial gurus' advice of if you want to build savings, you need to give to yourself 10% before paying any of the bills.  The other life example is putting your own oxygen mask on before helping others with theirs.  These two examples teach us that we need to take care of ourselves first before others, otherwise, you will deplete your own energy and won't be able to truly help others.

I have been feeling depleted for a long time now.  I suspect that many others out there feel the same way.  We work like crazy to make things happen, but we never stop to make things happen for ourselves.

Perhaps I am processing the latest book that I just finished: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra.  It is a very powerful little book, and I highly recommend it. 

This morning I did a new workout - Prevention's Dance it Off! with Jennifer Galardi.  What a great little DVD!  You can choose how long of a workout you want to do.  There is a warm-up and cool down and you can choose which 10 minute dance segments to add: Hip Hop, Latin, Jazz and Ballet.  I did a 30 minute with Hip Hop and Latin today.  I was sweating and having fun!

I hope you too will find the best way to start your day, and be sure to add a little "me" time to start the day out right!