Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Vote with your money this holiday season!

This free Christmas gift clip art is brought to you courtesy of Vladimir Zuñiga of Foca.tk.

Each year I post about F.A.C.E. values:
  • Fair trade (employees treated well)
  • Artist made (originally American made)
  • Charities paid 
  • Environment saved

You can choose to purchase gifts that will give back, that are in line with your values, and that will help our world (and the people) to thrive.

This means that it is best to seek alternatives to the big boxes that carry cheap products and treat their employees badly.  There are many, many alternatives.  Here are a few suggestions:
  1. 10 Ways to Shop for Good 
  2. Etsy - gifts by artists, real people
  3. CD Baby - music gifts by musicians
  4. 29 online gift stores that benefit nonprofits
  5. 19 holiday gift programs that benefit nonprofits
  6. Shop at a nonprofit thrift store in your area
  7. Go to local arts & crafts festivals to shop direct from local artists
  8. Buy tickets to a local event
  9. Make sure your gift is green 
  10. Create your own gifts using one of your talents.  I am knitting some gifts this year.
  11. Skip buying from the 10 companies that pay their employees the least
I hope you have a fabulous holiday season, and happy shopping for good!