Sunday, January 23, 2011

Taking time off - step away from the computer!

After a very busy week, I decided to make sure that I took time off from work.  I limited my computer usage, and I posted only a few work related tweets.  It made me start to ponder about how many of us are starting to go in an unhealthy direction - working almost around the clock and remaining on our computers throughout the day.  The culprit to this might be social media and how we might be over using it. 

Several of my friends have commented about what a time suck social media can be.  Many are trying to limit their time on Facebook and/or Twitter to make sure they have time for their life.  Of course using social media for business does require some commitment time, but maybe not as much as some of us are putting in.

I do find what others have to say very interesting, and I do like sharing tidbits of information when I find something worthwhile.  I realize that I can go overboard with my time, and in these cases, I need to cool it.  Spending that much time on a computer in the virtual world means you are missing out on the real world around you.

This brings me to a question I want to put out there.  Why are we spending so much time on our computers?

Aside from the typical, "because it is fun" response or "I need to for my job," in my case, it might be to procrastinate from doing what I need to do at that moment.  It might be because I want to connect with old and new people, and I have not set up enough real time meetings to keep me connected to people. It might be due to wanting to put myself out there to accomplish my business goals, but maybe my actions could be considered too much (as previously mentioned) which would ultimately backfire.  Do any of these thoughts ring true for you too?

If I don't take time off, I will end up burned out and everything will end up feeling forced and make me and others uncomfortable.  I rather have people excited about what I am doing.  I rather be excited about what I am doing!

I realize that spending a majority of my time on the computer means I am only virtually living. I will add to my resolutions this year:  I resolve to only be on my computer when it makes sense to, and I will make plans with people, work on projects I have been putting off, and take some time to meditate, work out or just be and breathe.  The key is balance, and I encourage you to resolve to be more balanced too!


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