Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CDs, workouts, and Muppets!

I'm catching up with 2 CDs today.  I listened to Brahms Concerto No.2 and 5 Intermezzi with pianist Van Cliburn, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner.  He is my absolute favorite pianist.  If you want to get into classical music and like the piano, I suggest getting some of his recordings to listen to, or, listen on Spotify.  They have a few of his tracks there.

Right now I am listening to Ravi Shankar and Philip Glass, Passages.  Fascinating.  This is a CD I have never listened to before. 

I'm loving it.  If you like Indian music and/or new music, this CD is for you.

My workout today was level 2 of 30 Day Shred, and I just about shredded my knee.  I have bad knees to begin with, but I have to say that her warm-up sucks!  It does not get you warmed up (the major joints) before getting into the intense workout, thus my injury.  I have no clue why she didn't carry over some of the moves from warm-up level one. This is the only criticism I have of this workout.  Otherwise, it does what it is supposed to do.  I ended up having to go lower impact, but I was still sweating up a storm by the end.  I will rotate level 1 and level 2 for another week.

Last thoughts for today's blog, why is Fox News going after the Muppets?  I cannot believe that Fox News is picking on this kids' movie saying it is radically brainwashing our kids.  Here is a tongue in cheek commentary on this story:

Muppet movies: their communist plots revealed

Politics (and certain political commentators) are getting crazier by the minute. How dare the Muppets pick on the poor defenseless oil industry.  I'm sorry, but if politics are defending an industry that continues to turn a profit and then asks us to give them tax breaks in return, I don't see them as being "poor" in any way, shape or form. It is poor taste to defend an industry that is buying chunks of our political system.  I also think picking on the Muppets is poor taste, and I hope these crazy political commentators will stop the (er, their) madness.

-SDF :O)

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