Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 5 - April 29: Stamps for Longhopes Donkey Shelter

Yes, I like donkeys!  I have been donating off and on to the Longhopes Donkey Shelter in Bennett, CO for a few years now.  I noticed as a part of their wishlist that they are in need of stamps.  I decided to go the extra mile and use a donkey picture of my two favorite daughter and mother donkey friends, Roma and Savvy, and create a special stamp for them at  I also bought them a sheet of regular stamps.  So, all in all, 40 stamps for them to use!

As I write this, I am listening to Paul McCartney's Driving Rain.  This is one of his sleeper albums, but it has some really great tracks on it.

For a workout today, I am going on a hike. The 75 degree weather with tons of sunshine is continuing so I have to take advantage of it.  Later I will add some weights.

Happy giving to you, and Marvelous Monday to all!

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