Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 7 - May 1: Promotional gift

I have been attempting to think of more ways to give without financial ties.  I decided to give the gift of one of my talents - promotion. 

I am considered to be one of the mavens of the world, meaning I enjoy sharing information, especially if it is for a good cause.

I found out that there were a couple of fundraisers for musicians that could use a little extra boost.  One of the campaigns was just getting started and one was for a musician that was wrapping it up.

I have no idea if my extra boost helped, but I did make an effort to get the campaigns out on various social media channels. 

This is a task that I normally give freely during my days, and I have never consciously thought about it being a gift to another person.  It's just something I do.  I am fairly well connected and generally send the information to people that would be interested.   I am realizing now that it is a gift I am giving them.

Also, I had a conversation with a colleague, and after I told him about the 29 Gifts program, he piped up to say that our conversation was a gift to him since it was helping him to organize his priorities further.  This is another talent of mine, brainstorming, and I enjoy working with people to help them through the thought process for making improvements. 

Giving of yourself by using your natural talents is a gift to the world!

While writing this, I am listening to Kathleen Battle at Carnegie Hall.  Yes, she is a diva, but her voice is so incredible, and the emotion she elicits is breathtaking.

I will be back later for Day 8 posting.  Happy giving until then.

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